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    [ either killed in battle or died of wounds or sickness : lowing are the names of the original members: Wil- Some of these soldiers sulfered the privations of the mult of the camp and the stirring scenes of the front. I Beiijamio Corliss, sicl^ness ; Sumner .\aron Diivis, killed ia buttle ; Railroad was chartered, and Oct. 1, 1881, regular trains j hands could contrive and furnish. Clothing, medi- I the town's people for recruiting purposes was $18,000. cated as follows: "To the Heroic men whose deeds Boston and JSCaine Company, and e.xcellent accom- vius Hyde, July 22, 1835; John Wlieelock Allen, j cine and miscellaneous article^ were generously con- with an outline of his military service. Tiie book is called the Evangelical Trinitarian Church. The fol- was one of the original directors and an early and Church. — May 21, 1828, a new church was organized 1851 an invitation was extended to Dr. Wayland to Thurston, sickness ; Alpheus Bigelow Welliogtoa, killed ia battle; settled November, 1888. The parish connected with ran over the road. May IK, 1883, the cars ceased run- Allen, Elizabeth ShurtlifT, Martha Jones, Eliza New- e.xpression from ti;ne to lime in a way to enkindle December 29, 1841 ; Henry Allen, September 30, ment of the town was of a fervid nature, and found meetings, in which there was preaching by various service was held by Rev. Lyman Beecher. Subse- Wayland. Of this latter number, twelve were killed j reasons for believing that their friends at home were broken, and in 1874 was re-catt. The following is The town subscribed for three hundred and twenty- erected. S. Sheldon, of Fitchburg, was the bi'ilder. and 1835 funds were collected for building a meeting- at Wayland Centre, kept in an e.xceptionally orderly town of Wayland took an active part. Repeatedly, manner by the people who assembled together to wel- Johnson, Nancy Rice, Ruth Willis, Susan Roby, 428 zation, a hall, belonging to Luther Gleason, was made The following is a list of Wayland men who were persons. Very .soon eff.<rt3 were put forth for the stantial citizens. The total number of men furnished shameful and pestilential " prison pens " of the South ; erection of a chapel, which was completed by May the new church was organized April 5, 1828, at the afterwards no bill relating to the work remained un- Formation of the Evangelical Tiiisitarian the succession of pastors, with the date at which their bouse was dedicated July 22, 1835, and four days ' sickness; Edward Tlionias Loker, Andersonville Prison; John Mellen, ' plies for camp and hospital as their willing hearts and visit the place, which was accepted August 2tith of and the generous donor to the Public Library. In soldier's resting-place on the soil they sought to save. tion of a volume, giving a biographical sketch of each, ell, Martha Carter, Fanny Rutter, Sophia Cutting, killed iu buttle ; Juiue-4 .\lvin Uice, killed in battle; Himm Leonard Abigail Russell. President Francis Wayland, of Brown University, hauled in wagons a distance of forty miles. The Juiues Dexter Luker, sickness. Truman A. Merrill, April 27, 1873 ; Ruhen F. Gordon, sickness; Eliiis Wliitfield Farmer, ^fickuess ; William Thomas Hiirlow, use of for religious purposes. The first preaching service began : Revs. Levi Smith, June, 1828; La- were organized as a "Soldiers' Aid Society " and liam Johnson, Edward Rice, Ira Draper, Esther cently the road had come under the control of the house of William Johnson, and was called the Evan- I tributed, and the soldiers of Wayland had substantial HISTORY OF MIDDLESEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. house; $3000 was secured and the house was soon Some of the material grew in Asliburnham, and was gelical Society of East Sudbury. The town has honored her soldiers by the publica- October 1, 1863; Ellis R. Drake, November 10, 18G8; the war, but the women also wrought nobly. They management of the Boston and Lowell Railroad. Re- farm and the work-shop. The young men turned ning, and commenced again Sept. 28, 1885, under the Susan Grout, Eunice Rutter, Sophia Moore, Betsey ' "Stldiers' Relief Society," and furnished such sup- modations are afforded. There is a tastily built depot 1852; Adin H. Fletcher, ; Henry Bullard, quently the tavern hall was engaged for religious five shares of the stock. Mr. James Sumner Draper paid. The bell, which weighed 1100 pounds and from the quiet of the ancestral homestead to the tu- her quota was made up wholly or in part of her sub- enthusiasm and encourage enlistment. Men lefc the The February previous to the act of church organi- cost S400, was procured in 1845. It was subsequently manner by the station agent, Mr. Frank Pousland, building spot was given by Samuel Russell. The honored graves." [ not forgetful of them. The total amount raised by George Tiiylor Dickey, sickness : Willium Dexter Diaper, wounds itnd for these quotas was 129, of which seventy were from Railroads. — In 18i39 the Massachusetts Central opening of the road. that year. The occasion was observed in a marked 21, 1828, at which time it was dedicated. In 1834 who has thus officiated for the company since the in battle or died in the service. The patriotic senti- victory from battle-fields or leaving their bodies in are here recorded, whether returning in the glory of entitled " Wayland in the Civil War," and is dedi- The Civil War.— In the great Civil War the some came home wounded to die ; and some found a Not only did the men well perform their part during come him.




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